netFormulary NHS
North East and North Cumbria
ICS Formulary

Looking for Boric Acid found 4 matches

Open monograph to display formulary status BNF Category
  Boric Acid & Povidone Iodine
Ear, nose and oropharynx - Nasal preparations for infection - 12.02.03
  Boric Acid (insufflation)  Ear, nose and oropharynx - Otitis externa - 12.01.01
  Magenta Paint BPC  (Castellani's paint)
Skin - Oxidisers, and dyes - 13.11.06

Linkslink in drug section Link to Drug Section link in subsection Link to document
link in drug section MHRA Drug Safety Update (July 2021): Chloramphenicol eye drops containing borax or boric acid buffers: use in children younger than 2 years (11.03.01)

